Saturday, September 10, 2016

I think a brief introduction is in order. I am Doughboy Warrior. Ok, that’s not my real name, but this call name or pseudonym has several meanings for me. Besides being a fan of baked goods and doughnuts, hence the name, I am an enthusiasts in the martial arts of shooting and training. Being a resident of California has made it both challenging and that much more important to me. In this blog, I plan to write about my journey as a shooter and well, anything that comes to mind whether it be pop-culture, politics, gear reviews and/or photography. By no means am I expert at any of said topics so please take whatever I say with a grain of salt.

With that said, here is a quick breakdown as to who I am and what to expect from this blog:

Who: I am an accountant by trade who loves photography and pop-culture. I am a shooter in training and want nothing more than to improve my skills. I am a gear head and have a tendency to collect things, whether it is guns and rifles, camera gear and/or paintball markers.

What (to expect from this blog): Gun and gear reviews, initial impressions, the occasional pop culture/nerd post, political updates in California mainly geared towards the 2nd amendment and its constant infringement.

Where: I am a civilian residing in the state of California (Los Angeles).

Why: I write to express my opinions, document my journey and engage in respectful discourse amongst other shooters, bloggers, gear heads and trainers. I know I will be wrong about many things and extremely open to hear dissenting points of views and learning from others, while helping others who are new.  

Historical Note: While doughboys are typically known as a baked good, US servicemen of the Mexican American War and World War I were typically nicknamed the Doughboys. There is no singular reason for the name, but it is said that men would trek across very dusty terrain, giving them the appearance of being covered in flour. I think this a very fitting name for a connoisseur of doughnuts and shooter in training.

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