Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Veto Gunmageddon

In a car ride to the gun range, a wise man once told me:

“You gotta find a partner that hates the same thing as you.” - JMB

This was beyond sage advice. It was an eye opening statement that I will never forget and will teach my future offspring when looking for a partner.  JMB goes on to say that it’s ok that your partner doesn’t share the same level of passion and interest in guns. It’s ok that your partner doesn’t feel the need to wake up early on the weekends to take classes. But your partner better be outraged and share your anger for something that hits you at the core. 

When Gov. Brown signed several unconstitutional bills into law several days before Independence Day, I was outraged. I explained to my wife that I was furious our politicians, with a stroke of a pen, not only put a financial and constitutional burden on its citizens, but has turned several of its law-abiding gun owners into criminals. Anti-gunners and politicians have no answer to some of the prevailing issues with these new bills: 

What systems are in place to properly institute and maintain background checks for ammunitions purchases?

Why would you maintain a database for highly consumable goods? 

How do you compensate citizens for legally acquired property with regards to lawfully owned standard-capacity magazines?

Why are you attacking a rifle platform that statistically is used the least amount of times for violent crimes. 

Why are CA Politicians explicitly exempt from these bills? Are they a higher class citizen than us?

Should CNC machines, drills & drill bits, 3-D printers, purchases of aluminum/polymer/steel, shovels or anything from the hardware store be regulated at the risk of building a ghost gun?

Do you believe it is possible to legislate bad intentions? Evil? A man with hate in his heart used a truck to kill over 80 people in Nice, France.

Shall I go on? Needless to say my wife, after a short conversation, was equally outraged. What did we do? We donated to Veto Gunmageddon and signed the petitions. We spread the word and became advocates of our second amendment rights. I encourage all gun owners to fight back and let our politicians know we will not take these bills sitting down. We will stand up for our rights.

For more information, please go to:

To find the nearest store to sign the petitions, enter you zip code here:

For more information on the legal impact of these laws, go to:

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